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Departmental Awards
Chemistry students are eligible for a number of awards. Some awards are specific to our courses and programs, others are applicable to all Queen's students. You can find more details about available awards below.
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TA Teaching Awards
Teaching assistants who demonstrate an outstanding commitment to the education of undergraduate students are honoured by the department or the university through TA teaching awards. TAs are nominated for the awards by their students and/or course supervisors.
Each year, the Department of Chemistry shall honour Teaching Assistants who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the education of undergraduate chemistry students of Queen's University.
These awards are presented to Teaching Assistants:
- The William Patrick Doolan Award; approximate value $500, will be awarded to the laboratory Teaching Assistant in 1st year courses who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the education of chemistry students in first year laboratory chemistry.
The Fisher Scientific Award; Discontinued. approximate value $500, will be awarded to the Teaching Assistant who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the education of chemistry students.
The David Thomas Award for 2nd Year Synthetic Laboratory, Discontinued. approximate value $500, will be awarded to laboratory Teaching Assistants in 2nd year courses who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the education of chemistry students in a laboratory setting.
- The Friends of Chemistry TA Award, approximate value $500, will be awarded to the Teaching Assistant, either graduate student or upper year undergraduate student, in a chemistry course who has demonstrated an outstanding influence on the quality of student learning.
Nomination Criteria
In order to be eligible for the award, each TA must be a graduate student (or upper year undergraduate student for the Friends of Chemistry TA Award) at Queen’s University who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the education of undergraduate students enrolled in a chemistry or an applied science chemistry course at Queen's. TAs are nominated by students who are enrolled in chemistry or applied science and/or a professor at Queen's University. Eligible candidates will be TAs who directly contribute to the learning experience of undergraduate students through help desk, leadership of tutorial or laboratory sessions, or by providing individual student academic assistance. A TA is eligible to receive one award in any specific academic year.
Nomination Procedure
Nominations will be made in the following way:
Students will have an opportunity to nominate their TA by completing an online TA nomination form through the course onQ site (or available here TA nomination form). This evaluation should contain persuasive and compelling reasons why the TA deserves special recognition. The name of the TA and courses taught by the TA must be included in the nomination document.
Professors who have worked with a TA may write a letter of support for any nominee or may voice their support in a selection committee meeting.
Selection Process
Each of the Awards for Excellence in Teaching Assistance will be determined by a committee consisting of the TA Awards Committee. The committee will review all nomination packages and determine award winning Teaching Assistants by taking into consideration all information received from both students and professors. All decisions are final.
In general, the following criteria are examined when determining award winners:
- Excellent background preparation and solid knowledge of theory covered
- Good hands-on skills with lab equipment and instruments
- Great communication skills, especially the ability to explain complex subjects
- Ability and willingness to troubleshoot problems experienced by undergraduate students
- Great interpersonal skills - you should be approachable and willing to help when contacted by undergraduates
- Dependable and organized.
Presentation of Award
Winners of each of the Teaching Assistant awards will receive the Department of Chemistry Award for Excellence in Teaching Assistance at the Teaching Assistant Professional Activity Day in September of the following academic year. Each award will consist of a certificate presented by the Department of Chemistry and a monetary award.
Departmental Awards
For up-to-date information on scholarships and awards not requiring applications please visit Automatic Arts & Science Awards | Registrar & Financial Aid Services
For up-to-date information on scholarships and awards requiring applications please visit Financial Aid Requiring an Application | Queen's University
NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)
These awards are for undergraduate students working as summer research assistants in laboratories of NSERC-funded faculty members. The awards are primarily based on academic merit. The official minimum criterion for application is a B average, but in practice successful students usually have A averages. Approximately 14 NSERC USRAs are held in the department each summer.
Check the NSERC USRA site for the departmental application deadline. Application forms (Forms 201 and 202) may be downloaded from the NSERC web site. Completed applications are accepted at any time up to the deadline and should be handed in to the Undergraduate Assistant (Chernoff Hall, Room 200). A short description of the research, written by a faculty member, is required as part of the application (Form 202). Consequently, a faculty member and project must be selected prior to submission of the application form; approximate value $4,500 + top-up from research supervisor.
For up-to-date information on bursaries please visit Arts & Science Named General Bursaries | Registrar & Financial Aid Services
NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards
Interested in a summer of exciting research at a great university?
Every year, the Department of Chemistry is awarded a number (10-20) of NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Awards (USRA). These awards allow undergraduate students to spend the summer (May 1st - August 31st) doing research in the Department of Chemistry, Queen’s University under the supervision of a faculty member.
Eligibility for this program requires the student to be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada, to have an overall B- average (2.70 GPA at Queen's) and to be registered in an undergraduate program in the natural sciences or engineering. Any eligible and interested students should:
Contact a Chemistry Professor whose research matches her/his interests, and who is willing to supervise the student during the summer term. Please consult the list of Chemistry faculty by research fields .
Put together a description of a research project, in consultation with the professor. This information will be submitted as part of the student's application.
Log on to the NSERC website and fill out an application form (Form 202). An official transcript will be required if a student is awarded an NSERC USRA.
Note: Forms must be completed online (hand written applications will not be accepted).
Submit an electronic copy of the application to the Undergraduate Assistant, Department of Chemistry by Monday, February 10, 2025.
Only one application per student to the Department of Chemistry.
The award is valued at $6,000 for a full 16-week work term. Professors who supervise award winners will supplement the award and students will receive a minimum total of $9,800.