Advanced solutions with advanced technology

Discover our facilities


With a wide range of instrumentation and equipment combined with years of experience, our facilities offer the ability to tackle unique problems with unique solutions.

We offer services and expertise for users in the Queen's community and from other institutions and industries. Book instrument time and find more information about what we can do.


The NMR lab is equipped with six Bruker NMR spectrometers ranging from 300 to 700 MHz, which are operated by trained students. There are additional NMR programs located on extra computers in the lab.

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Surface Analysis

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), also known as ESCA (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis), is used to analyze the surface chemistry of a solid material. XPS utilizes the photoelectric effect.

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Mass Spectrometry

The Queen's Mass Spectrometry Facility provides MS services and expertise for the analysis of small and macromolecules, proteins and enzymes.

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X-Ray Crystallography

The X-ray Crystallography Facility as part of the Department of Chemistry provides single crystal X-ray (for small molecules) for Chemistry, Material Sciences, etc.

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Electron Microscopy

The department houses both a transmission (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM), which are capable of resolving smaller features than light microscopes.

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Undergraduate Labs

When the equipment is idle in our Undergraduate Labs, some instruments can be accessed by researchers who hold adequate training.

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NanoFabrication Kingston (NFK) is an open-access facility providing science and engineering researchers from academia, government, and industry with access to leading-edge equipment, methodologies, and expertise for designing and prototyping microsystems and nanotechnologies.

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