September 2012 Onwards
These requirements apply to students who initially registered in the program in or after September 2012.
Chemistry MSc Grad Map (645KB)
Listed below are the degree requirements for satisfactory completion of a M.Sc. and M.A.Sc. degree in the Chemistry department under the auspices of the School of Graduate Studies and the Faculties of Arts & Science / Engineering & Applied Science. Further inquiries should be addressed to the Department.
a) Students who intend to work in a chemical laboratory must pass departmental safety (CHEM 801) and WHMIS training at the earliest possible opportunity.
b) CHEM 802 - Chemistry Seminar Program (Students who registered as of May 2016)
c) CHEM 803 - Principles of Scientific Communication
d) CHEM 899 - M.Sc. Thesis Research (each year)
e) Six graduate modules (or the equivalent of three term lecture courses) beyond the Bachelor's degree. Unless permission is obtained from the supervisor and coordinator of grad studies in chemistry, at least four modules must be from among those offered by the Department of Chemistry. ***Note that CHEM 892 and CHEM 894 are treated as external to the department.
f) Annual Research Progress Reports
g) Thesis
Chemistry PhD Grad Map (633KB)
Listed below are the degree requirements for satisfactory completion of a Ph.D. in the Chemistry department under the auspices of the School of Graduate Studies and the faculty of Arts & Science. Note that students directly entering a Ph.D. from a bachelor's degree have different requirements from those entering after having obtained a Masters degree.
There are three streams for entry into the Ph.D. program. The first stream (direct entry) allows exceptional students to enter the Ph.D. program directly after completing a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry or a related field. The second stream (transfer via candidacy exam) allows students initially register in the M.Sc. program in the Department of Chemistry at Queen's to transfer to the Ph.D. program without completing an M.Sc. degree by successfully completing a candidacy exam. The third stream (entry after M.Sc.) is for students who have already completed an M.Sc. degree in Chemistry or a related field. The following program requirements apply to all students who register in the Ph.D. program in or after September, 2012 irrespective of the stream by which they entered the program.
Further inquiries should be addressed to the Department.
a) Students who intend to work in a chemical laboratory must pass departmental safety (CHEM 801) and WHMIS training at the earliest possible opportunity.
b) CHEM 802 - Chemistry Seminar Program
c) CHEM 803 - Principles of Scientific Communication
d) CHEM 999 - Ph. D. Thesis Research (each year)
e) Six graduate modules (or the equivalent of three term lecture courses) beyond the Bachelor's degree. Unless permission is obtained from the supervisor and coordinator of grad studies in chemistry, at least two modules must be from among those offered by the Department of Chemistry. ***Note that CHEM 892 and CHEM 894 are treated as external to the department.
f) Annual Research Progress Reports
g) Ph.D. Candidacy Examination.
Ph.D. students must attempt the comprehensive exam within the first 18 months of program.
h) Departmental Research Seminar
Ph.D. students are required to present a departmental seminar on research work (15 mins, plus 5 mins questions). The seminar should be given in the fourth year of research work, and before the thesis is submitted for internal review.
i) Thesis
Please follow the link below for the specific School of Graduate Studies regulation.
Extension of Time Limits
Before September 2012
These requirements apply to students who initially registered in the program before September 2012.
Listed below are the degree requirements for satisfactory completion of a M.Sc. and M.A.Sc. degree in the Chemistry department under the auspices of the School of Graduate Studies and the faculties of Arts & Science / Engineering & Applied Science. Further inquiries should be addressed to the Department.
a) Students who intend to work in a chemical laboratory must pass departmental safety and WHMIS training at the earliest possible opportunity.
b) CHEM 803 - Principles of Scientific Communication (attend weekly seminars)
c) CHEM 899 - M.Sc. Thesis Research (each year)
d) Six graduate modules (or the equivalent of three term lecture courses). Unless permission is obtained from the supervisor and coordinator of grad studies in chemistry, at least four modules must be from among those offered by the Department of Chemistry. ***Note that CHEM 892 and CHEM 894 are treated as external to the department.
e) Annual Research Progress Reports
f) Thesis
Students who start a M.Sc. program and are promoted to the Ph.D. program after their comprehensive exam prior to September, 2012 have the same requirements for the Ph.D. degree as a student who has already completed an M.Sc. degree and initially enrolled in the Ph.D. program before September, 2012.
Further inquiries should be addressed to the Department.
Listed below are the degree requirements for satisfactory completion of a Ph.D. in the Chemistry department under the auspices of the School of Graduate Studies and the faculty of Arts & Science. Note that students directly entering a Ph.D. from a bachelor's degree have different requirements from those entering after having obtained a Masters degree.
Students who start a M.Sc. program and are promoted to the Ph.D. program after their comprehensive exam prior to September, 2012 have the same requirements for the Ph.D. degree as a student who has already completed an M.Sc. degree and initially enrolled in the Ph.D. program before September, 2012.
Further inquiries should be addressed to the Department.
Requirements for students with a Masters:
a) Students who intend to work in a chemical laboratory must pass departmental safety and WHMIS training at the earliest possible opportunity.
b) CHEM 802 - Chemistry Seminar Program (each year once CHEM803 is completed)
c) CHEM 803 - Principles of Scientific Communication (attend weekly seminars)
d) CHEM 999 - Ph.D. Thesis Research (each year)
e) At least four module lecture courses (or the equivalent of two term lecture courses). Of the four, at least two modules should be from the chemistry department unless approval is obtained from the supervisor and the coordinator of grad studies in chemistry. ***Note that CHEM 892 and CHEM 894 are treated as external to the department.
f) Annual Research Progress Reports
g) Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination
Ph.D. students must attempt the comprehensive exam within the first 18 months of program.
h) Departmental Research Seminar
Ph.D. students are required to present a departmental seminar on research work (15 mins, plus 5 mins questions). The seminar should be given in the fourth year of research work, and before the thesis is submitted for internal review.
i) Thesis
Requirements for direct-entry students (without a Masters):
a) Students who intend to work in a chemical laboratory must pass departmental safety and WHMIS training at the earliest possible opportunity.
b) CHEM 802 - Chemistry Seminar Program (each year once CHEM 803 is completed)
c) CHEM 803 - Principles of Scientific Communication (attend weekly seminars)
d) CHEM 999 - Ph.D. Thesis Research (each year)
e) Six graduate modules (or the equivalent of three term lecture courses). Unless permission is obtained from the supervisor and coordinator of grad studies in chemistry, at least four modules must be from among those offered by the Department of Chemistry. ***Note that CHEM 892 and CHEM 894 are treated as external to the department.
f) Annual Research Progress Reports
g) Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination
Ph.D. students must attempt the comprehensive exam within the first 18 months of program.
h) Departmental Research Seminar
Ph.D. students are required to present a departmental seminar on research work (15 mins, plus 5 mins questions). The seminar should be given in the fourth year of research work, and before the thesis is submitted for internal review.
i) Thesis
Candidates wishing to pursue a Ph.D. in Engineering & Applied Science in the Chemistry Department should contact the department for more information.
Candidates wishing to pursue Queen's graduate degrees at Trent University should contact the Coordinator of Graduate Studies at Queen's or the Graduate Office at Trent University. This is an agreement with Trent University to permit suitably qualified faculty at Trent University to offer graduate courses and undertake the supervision of graduate students enrolled at Queen's University. All graduate students in courses offered by, and/or supervised by, faculty at Trent University who are participating in this agreement will be registered at Queen's University.
Please follow the link below for the specific School of Graduate Studies regulation.
Extension of Time Limits