Undergraduate Resources

The sections below provide a variety of online resources:

  • The Chemistry tutors section identifies chemistry graduate students interested in tutoring. TA contact information is provided there.
  • The References section provides descriptions of online resources for chemistry. These include IUPAC naming of molecules, units, conversion factors, and reference data.
  • The FAQ section provides answers to common questions.

The undergraduate safety manual (PDF, 779 KB) should be carefully read by all chemistry students. Please print this document and read it carefully!

The People link will direct you to all faculty, staff, and graduate students working in the chemistry department. You can search this link if you need to contact your professor or TA. Keep in mind that contact info for your professor will also be available on the course onQ site.

Undergraduate Chair

The Undergraduate Chair provides information and advice on academic programs in chemistry.

Dr. Anne Petitjean

Phone: 613-533-6587
Fax: 613-533-6669
Room: Chernoff Hall, Room 410
Email: ugchair@chem.queensu.ca

  • Assists students in establishing a program of study which suits their own distinct academic needs.
  • Signing authority for all lab/section changes, adding/dropping courses during the academic year after the registration process.
  • Reviews undergraduate curriculum and instructional assignments.
  • Reviews Restricted and Open Registration procedures to determine whether the needs of students and/or staff are being met, and if necessary, recommend changes to existing procedures and to develop new procedures.
  • Evaluates applications and makes recommendations for Chemistry Prizes and Scholarships.
  • Evaluates letters of permissions and transfers credits (although students must first go to the Faculty Office for the former and Admissions for the latter)

Undergraduate Assistant

For course registration, section changes and lab exemptions contact the Undergraduate Assistant.

Meredith Richards

Phone: 613-533-6000 ext. 75518
Fax: 613-533-6669
Room: Chernoff Hall, Room 200
Email: ugadm@chem.queensu.ca

Program Contacts

Questions about the Environmental Science (ENSC) program contact:

Dr. Allison Goebel

Phone: 613-533-6000 ext. 75904
Room: Biosciences Complex, Room 3125
Email: goebela@queensu.ca

Questions about Engineering Chemistry (ENCH) or Chemical Engineering (CHEE) programs contact:

Liann Joanette

Phone: 613-533-6000 ext. 74829
Room: Dupuis Hall, Room 205
Email: liann.joanette@chee.queensu.ca

Monica Ayachit
CHEM 112, 221, APSC 101

Luca Corneo
CHEM 112, 224

Jess Deng
CHEM 112, 222, 321, 411

Niranji Thilini Ekanayake
CHEM 112, 221, 313

Kayla Elliot
CHEM 112

Neil Grenade
CHEM 112, 212, 281, 282

Dhruvi Gohel
CHEM 112, 113, 223, 281, 282, 285, 311, 314, 323, 414, 422, ENCH 245

Zhenyu Hu
APSC 131, 132, CHEM 112, 211, 212, 213, 221

Sangeeth Das Kallullathil
CHEM 313, 322

George Kay
CHEM 112, 211, 221, 222, 281, 282, 223, 323, 423

Rachel Korchinsky
CHEM 112, 223, 211, 212, 326

Rahul Kumar
CHEM 112, 113, 114, 415

Madison Langley
CHEM 112, 213, 411

Dana Nanan
CHEM 211, 223, 281, 282, 312

Kennedy Quigg
CHEM 112, 281

*Contact information for tutors is provided for the benefit of students seeking extra help in their undergraduate Chemistry courses. The list is provided only for your convenience. Last Updated: October 2024

The following non-chemistry courses may be of interest to chemistry students.

BCHM 218 Molecular Biology

BCHM 482 Proteomics and Metabolomics

BIOL 243 Introduction to Statistics

CISC 101 Elements of Computing Science

ENSC 425 Ecotoxicology

PHIL 381 Philosophy of Natural Sciences

PHYS 480 Solid State Physics

The information is provided for students as a guide only. For the most current course information and offerings refer to the Faculty of Arts & Science Calendar


CRC handbook of Chemistry and Physics

The content of the 89th Edition, 2008-2009, of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics may be read online.

IUPAC Nomenclature rules

Extensive listing of IUPAC rules with illustrated examples for naming organic compounds. From Advanced Chemistry Development Inc.

ChemIndustry.com search service

Index to over 30,000 web sites, representing over 5 million pages of technical, scientific and commercial information.

American Chemical Society ChemCenter

ChemCenter is a new WWW site initiated by the American Chemical Society. The goal of ChemCenter is to be an informative and valuable resource to the worldwide chemical community, be it an experienced researcher or simply someone with a chemistry question. The participation of other content providers and professional societies is actively sought in order to help us meet this goal.

NIST Chemistry Web Book

This comprehensive reference includes thermodynamic data for over 5,000 chemical compounds and on ion-energetics data for over 10,000 chemical compounds. Compounds can be searched by name, chemical formula, or CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) registry number. Includes information on enthalpy of formation, heat capacity, entropy, ionization potential, and appearance potential.

NIST Physical Reference data

From the National Institute of Standards and Technology, this site links to physical constants, units, conversion factors, spectroscopic data, and much more.


Point and click Live Periodic Table on the Web. Volumes of data on each element.


Scholarly Internet Resource Collections from University of California

How will the department contact me?

The department will send emails to Queen's email accounts. Be sure to check your account regularly. Course instructors will also contact you using your Queen's email account, if you suspect that you are not receiving emails; contact the Undergraduate Assistant to verify.

SOLUS won’t allow me to add a course, how can I add it?

There are several reasons why you may not be able to add a course.  Please read the error message in SOLUS as this will usually indicate the issue.   Contact the Undergraduate Assistant with a detailed description of the attempted registration and any SOLUS error message you receive.

Why can't I register for a 2nd year course?

During Class Selection I (Restricted) registration in CHEM 211, 212, 213, 221, 222 and 223 is limited to students registered in one of the following plans: CHEM, BCHM, ECHM, ENCH or CHEE . Since there are enrolment limits for these courses imposed by limitations on lab space, we do not allow any students from other plans into these courses until Class Selection II (Open).

Why can't I register for CHEM112AB?

During Class Selection I (Restricted) registration in CHEM112AB is limited to incoming first year students registered in one of the following programs: BSCH, BCMPH or BPHEH. Since there are enrolment limits for these courses imposed by limitations on lab space, we do not allow any students from other degree programs into these courses until Class Selection II (Open).

Why can't I see all the course sections in a SOLUS class search?

The search default is to show open sections only.  Be sure to uncheck 'Show Open Classes Only' before performing your search. Once SOLUS displays the course, the first three sections appear on page 1. Select 'View All Sections'.

What type of calculator can I use in CHEM courses?

The Chemistry department does not have a sticker program for calculators. The recommendation is that students use a Casio 991 series calculator.

"Calculators acceptable for use during quizzes, tests and examinations are intended to support the basic calculating functions required by most Arts and Science courses. For this purpose, the use of the Casio 991 series calculator is permitted. Students may also use calculators with a Gold Applied Science approval sticker or a Blue Commerce approval sticker as they are considered to be comparable to the Casio 991. Calculators with advanced features or substantial text storage capacity are not permitted unless otherwise approved by the instructor. Communicating calculators are banned."

(Information taken from the Arts & Science Calendar )

The Departmental Student Council (DSC) acts as a liaison between students and faculty, organizing both social and academic events within the Department of Chemistry.

For more information on council activities or to get involved, please visit their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/QueensChemistryDSC/ or their website https://queenschemdsc.wixsite.com/chemdsc  They can be contacted directly at  chem.dsc@asus.queensu.ca


Get to Know Your DSC (.ppt, 7.7MB)


Prof of the Month Newsletters Archive

 September 2019 (655Kb)

 March 2019 (740Kb)

 February 2019 (982Kb)

 January 2019 (484Kb)

The Department of Chemistry policy requires that students take a pro-active role around assessment completion, and communicate with course coordinators in case of expected, or unexpected, inability to complete an assessment.

Preliminary note:

1) If you EXPECT to miss an assessment (quiz, presentation, mid-term or final exams), contact the course coordinator at least 72 h BEFORE the date, AND submit a ‘request for academic consideration’ (when applicable) through the Faculty of Arts and Science online portal, at: https://www.queensu.ca/artsci/accommodations

Please note that no medical information should be communicated to the instructor. If requested, medical documentation should only be directed to the Faculty of Arts and Science office through its academic consideration portal.

2) If extenuating circumstances PREVENT you from writing an examination (e.g. sickness, death in the family), or you unexpectedly MISSED an examination, presentation or assignment, contact the course instructor as soon as possible, AND submit a required request for academic consideration right away through the Faculty of Arts and Science online portal (link above).

The course instructor/coordinator will need both the faculty office’s approval and your information before taking your request for consideration into account.

Please note that no medical information should be communicated to the instructor. If required, medical documentation should only be directed to the Faculty of Arts and Science office through its academic consideration portal.

Important notes:

a) Once you have written (or made a valid attempt at) an examination, you cannot request an accommodation; see Queen’s faculty of Arts and Science academic regulation 8.4.3 for more information.

b) As a reminder, a copy of the Academic Regulation 6 (attendance, course work and conduct) is provided below:

6.1 – Participation and Conduct in Classes
Students must be enrolled in a class to be eligible to attend or otherwise participate in lectures, laboratories, tutorials, online discussions, tests, and examinations associated with the class. Students are expected to be, and at the discretion of the instructor, may be required to be present at all lectures, laboratories, tutorials, online discussions, tests, and examinations in their classes and to submit essays, exercises, reports, and laboratory work at the prescribed times. Student conduct in lectures, laboratories, tutorials, online discussions, tests and examinations must conform to the Code of Conduct. Students whose conduct does not conform to the Code of Conduct may be issued a warning in writing from the class instructor. Subsequent failure to conform to the Code of Conduct may result in a written requirement to withdraw from the class (see Academic Regulation 17).
6.2 – Submission of Course Work
For purposes of evaluation, assignments and other course work must be submitted in a readable format. Many instructors will require that work be submitted electronically, and will state this at the outset of the class.
6.3 – Absence and Missed Course Work
Students who experience extenuating circumstances that cause them to miss lectures, laboratory work, assignments, tests or examinations, should submit a request for academic consideration. Once the request has been made and as soon as they are able, students must contact their instructor(s) to make alternative arrangements for extensions or other consideration. A Verification of Illness form or other supporting documentation may be required, depending on the duration of the extenuating circumstances.
If there is a significant effect on attendance or academic performance such that the student may wish to request an incomplete grade, Aegrotat or Credit Standing, the student is responsible for obtaining appropriate documentation at the time of treatment. See Academic Regulation 10 for further information about Aegrotat and Credit Standing. Information about appeals to the Associate Deans (Studies) for Aegrotat or Credit Standing can be found in Appeal of Academic Decisions, Section 3.

c) If the missed assessment cannot be completed by the date final marks are due, an Arts and Science Permission for an Incomplete Grade form  should be used as governed by Academic Regulation 10.2.4 (Arts and Science) or the Applied Science Incomplete Grade Request form Academic Regulation 4b (Engineering and Applied Science), with the assistance of the course instructor/coordinator.