How to Give
Your generous support helps our department to flourish and thrive by providing hands-on learning experiences for our undergraduate programs, invaluable development opportunities for our graduate students, and the pursuit of cutting-edge research for real-world solutions.
We rely on the support of our alumni and friends in order to provide an exceptional educational and research experience to our students. However you choose to give, your generosity helps to enhance our learning and research opportunities immeasurably for today's students and for generations to come.
To learn how your gift makes a difference, contact us today.
Making strides
We have grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade. The department now includes five senior Canada Research Chairs and the Bader Chair in organic chemistry. Many of our faculty and students have been recognized for their achievements. Our graduate enrolment has grown to over one hundred students, and each year, several thousand undergraduates attend our lectures and conduct experiments in our labs. So, in a nutshell, the Queen's Chemistry Department is a vibrant, exciting place.
Overcoming obstacles
Despite our progress, important challenges remain. These include an ongoing need to maintain our innovative undergraduate programs with state-of-the-art lab equipment, to recognize outstanding student achievement, to offer and to support groundbreaking research with major instrumentation, and to foster innovation and informed research through a high quality seminar program. In order to address these, and other, challenges we rely on the support of our alumni and friends.
The Chemistry Gift Fund support academic and research priorities, outreach activities and other initiatives in the Chemistry department. These initiatives may include urgent repair of teaching or research equipment special awards in recognition of outstanding student teaching or research outreach, alumni, Advancement and communication activities.
Research and Teaching Equipment
Access to specialized equipment is indispensable for modern chemical teaching and research. Each year, our departmental instrumentation supports the development of practical laboratory skills for over 2000 undergraduates, the research goals of over 100 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and provides research support to the Chemistry faculty and to the broader research community. Please support the Chemistry Teaching and Research Equipment Fund and ensure continued access to state-of-the-art research and teaching instrumentation in the Department of Chemistry.
The Seminar Series
Seminars are a key conduit for the flow of fresh ideas into our Department and are a central component of our graduate program. Each year the department invites 20+ outstanding national and international speakers from academia, government, and industry. Your donation to the Chemistry Research Seminar Fund ensures that we can continue to attract such speakers for our seminar program.
Graduate Student Support
The Chemistry Graduate Gift Fund provides support for graduate student research in the Chemistry department with, for example, thesis awards, research awards, and travel awards in support of graduate student achievements, and attendance at national and international conferences.
Undergraduate Student Support
The Chemistry Undergraduate Gift Fund supports research by undergraduate students. Your donation allows undergraduate students to undertake summer research in the Department and to travel to conferences and present their work, broaden their scientific knowledge and meet other researchers.
Connect with Us
Thank you for your support! We commit to allocating all of the donated funds according to the relevant Fund Terms of Reference and to making the most of your gift.
For more information, or to learn about other ways to support the Chemistry Department, please contact us.
- Administrative and Advancement Coordinator
613-533-2624 or - Philip Jessop, Head of the Chemistry Department
As a past student or graduate of the Queen's Department of Chemistry, you are forever a member of our community! Graduating from Queen's doesn't stop your love of learning, sharing, and growing. We look forward to staying connected with you, working with you, and seeing how excellence in Chemistry extends beyond graduation.
Visit Queen's Alumni - My Services to see all the perks you gain as an alumni.