Gary W. Vanloon
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Chemistry
People Directory Affiliation Category
Chernoff Hall, CHE414
Department of Chemistry
90 Bader Lane
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6
- G.W. vanLoon and S.J. Duffy, Environmental Chemistry – in a Global Perspective, 4th edition, [Greek translation of Environmental Chemistry], University Studio Press, 768 pp (2022)
- G.W. vanLoon and S.J. Duffy, Environmental Chemistry – in a Global Perspective, 4th edition, Oxford University Press, 584 pp (2019)
- G.W. vanLoon and S.J. Duffy, Environmental Chemistry – in a Global Perspective, 3rd edition, [Korean translation of Environmental Chemistry], HWASUMOK PUB. of Seoul, 623 pp (2018)
- G.W. vanLoon and S.J. Duffy, Kimia Al Bi’a, [Arabic Translation of Environmental Chemistry] King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) (2011).
- G.W. vanLoon and S.J. Duffy, Environmental Chemistry – in a Global Perspective, 3nd edition, Oxford University Press, 545 pp, (2010).
- G.W. vanLoon and S. J. Duffy, Chemia Srodowiska, [Polish translation of Environmental Chemistry], Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN SA, Warszawa, (2007).
- G.W. vanLoon and S.J. Duffy, Environmental Chemistry – a Global Perspective. Solutions Manual: Oxford University Press, (2019)– published electronically.
- G. W. vanLoon, S.G. Patil and L. B. Hugar, Agricultural sustainability: Strategies for assessment Sage Publications, 281 pp, (2005).
Edited Book
- Atanu Sarkar, Suman Rangan Sensharma, and Gary W. vanLoon. Sustainable Solutions for Food Security: Combating Climate Change by Adaptation. Springer AG, Switzerland, 549 pp, (2019)
Chapter in Book
- Talukder, B., Hipel, W.K., & vanLoon, G. W. Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for assessing sustainability of agricultural systems. Sustainability Development, Wiley (2017).
Reports of Local Studies
- Tom Van Dusen, Energy balance of a farm comes out nicely positive. Ontario Farmer, August 28, 2012
- Brandy Harrison, Farmers have it better today than in the 1980s. Farmers Forum, June, 2016.
Research Articles
- Byomkesh Talukder, Reza Salim, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Krishna Prosad Mondal, Keith W. Hipel, Gary W. vanLoon, Collective Intelligence for Addressing Community Planetary Health Resulting from Salinity Prompted by Sea-Level Rise, Journal of Climate Change and Health, (2023) DOI: 10.1016/j.joclim.2023.100203
- Talukdar, B., Ganguli,N., Matthew, R., vanLoon, G. W., Hipel, K.W., Orbinski, J., .Climate Change-Accelerated Ocean Biodiversity Loss & Associated Planetary Health Impacts, The Journal of Climate Change and Health, 6, 12pp, (2022).
- Talukder, B., van Loon, G. W., & Hipel, K. W. Planetary health & COVID-19: A multi-perspective investigation. One Health, 11pp, (2022)
- Byomkesh, B., Hipel, K.W., vanLoon, G.W. Slow-onset events (SOEs) and future sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 58, 18pp, (2022).
- Talukdar, B., Ganguli, N., vanLoon, G.W., Climate change-related foodborne zoonotic diseases and pathogens modeling. The Journal of Climate Change and Health (short communication), 6, 3pp, (2022)
- Talukder, B., Orbinski, J., Matthew, R., Bunch, J. M., vanLoon, G. W. & Hipel, K. W. Melting of Himalayan Glaciers and Planetary Health. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Journal. 50, 98-108, (2021).
- Talukder, B., vanLoon, G. W., Hipel, K.W., Orbinski, J., COVID-19's Implications on Agri-food Systems and Human Health in Bangladesh. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability Journal. 3, 8pp (2021).
- Talukder, B., Ganguli, N., Matthew, R., vanLoon, G.W., Hipel, K.W., Orbinski, J., Climate change-triggered land degradation and planetary health: A review, Land Degrad. Dev., 1-14 (2021). DOI 10 1002/ Idr 4056
- Byomkesh Talukder2, Gary W. vanLoon2, Keith W. Hipel3, Sosten Chiotha4, James Orbinski5*, Health Impacts of Climate Change on Smallholder Farmers. One Health 13, 10pp (2021)
- Byomkesh Talukder, Gary vanLoon, Keith W. Hipel, James Orbinski, COVID19’s Implications on Agri-Food Systems and Human Health in Bangladesh, Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 3, 100033, (2021)
- Gary W. vanLoon and Atanu Sarkar, Feeding the world in a time of climate change. Chemistry International, 19-23 (2021)
- Talukder, b. Blay-Palmer, A., vanLoon, G.W., Hipel, K.W., Towards complexity of agricultural sustainability assessment: Main issues and concerns, Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 6, 12pp, (2020)
- Talukder, B., Hipel, K.W. and vanLoon, G.W., Energy Efficiency of Agricultural Systems in the Southwest Coastal Zone of Bangladesh. Ecological Indicators, 98, 641-648 (2019)
- Talukder, B., Hipel, K. W., & vanLoon, G. W. (2018). Using multi-criteria decision analysis for measuring sustainability of agricultural systems. Sustain. Dev., 26, 781-790 (2018)
- Talukder, B., vanLoon, G. W., & Hipel, K. W. (2018). Energy Efficiency of Agricultural Systems in the Southwest Coastal Zone of Bangladesh. Ecological Indicators, 98, 641-648.
- P. Kuchanur, Y.K. Singh, R.H. Rajakumar, S.R. Andnan, S.g. Patil, M.I. Jat and G.W. vanLoon, Resource conservation through direct seeded rice. MiniReview in Agricultural Research and Technology, 14(1), 1-3 (2018)
- Talukder, B., Hipel, K. W., & vanLoon, G. W. (2018). Using Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis for Assessing Sustainability of Agricultural Systems. Sustainable Development, 26, 781-799.
- Talukder, B., Blay-Palmer, A., Hipel, K. W., & vanLoon, G. W. (2017). Elimination Method of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA): A Simple Methodological Approach for Assessing Agricultural Sustainability. Sustainability, 9(2), 1-17 (2017)
- Talukder, B., Hipel, K. W. & vanLoon, G. W., Developing Composite Indicators for Agricultural Sustainability Assessment: Effect of Normalization and Aggregation Techniques. Resources, 6(4), 66-93. (2017).
- Byomkesh Talukder, Md. Saifuzzaman, G.W. vanLoon, Sustainability of changing agricultural systems in the coastal zone of Bangladesh. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 31, 148-165 (2016).
- M. Wyer, G. van Loon, J. Dust and E. Buncel, Silver ion binding to the organophosphorus pesticide, diazinon, and hydrolytic pathways revealed by mass spectrometric and NMR studies. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 08/2015; DOI:10.1139/cjc-2015-0248
- Atanu Sarkar and G.W. vanLoon, Modern agriculture and food and nutrition insecurity: Paradox in India. Public Health, 129 (9), 1291-1293 (2015)
- Mohammad Rais, Shatroopa Acharya and Gary W. vanLoon, Food processing industry: Opportunities in the North-Eastern region of India. The NEHU Journal, XII (1), 37-52 (2014)
- Atanu Sarkar, Shantagouda Patil, Lingappa Hugar and Gary vanLoon, Modern agricultural practices and associated health risks: an Indian study. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 67(2), 279-285 (2013)
- Bernd O. Keller, Abdelhamid Esbata, Erwin Buncel and Gary vanLoon, Rapidly formed quinalphos complexes with transition metal ions characterized by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry, 27, 1319-1328 (2013).
- Atanu Sarkar, Kristan Aronson, Shantagouda Patil, Lingappa Hugar; Gary vanLoon, Emerging Health Risks Associated with Modern Agriculture Practices: a Comprehensive Study in India. Environmental Research 115, 37-50 (2012)
- P. Ralevic, S.G. Patil and G.W. vanLoon (2012). Achieving Household Food Security: How Much Land is Required?, in Food Production - Approaches, Challenges and Tasks, Anna Aladjadjiyan (ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-887-8, InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/achieving-household-food-security-in-india-how-much-land-is-required-
- Atanu Sarkar, Shantagouda Patil, Lingappa Hugar and Gary vanLoon, Sustainability of Current Agriculture Practices, Community Perception and Implications for Ecosystem Health: an Indian Study. EcoHealth, 8 (4),14 pp, 2011
- P. Ralevic, S.G. Patil SG and G.W. vanLoon, Integrated Agriculture Production Systems for Meeting Household Food, Fodder and Fuel Security . Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 34, 878-906, (2010).