George Jacob

George Jacob

DuPont Kingston Technology Centre Site Leader

DuPont Canada Innovation Leader

Department of Chemistry

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George Jacob is a Senior Technology Leader in DuPont and is currently located in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. While George is originally from India, his professional career started in the United States where he has been for the last 20 years. George completed his Master’s and Ph.D. degree in the U.S. in Materials Science & Engineering with an emphasis on Polymer Engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, while doing his graduate research in carbon fiber composites at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Since then, working for global companies like Dow Chemical and DuPont, he has gained 13+ years of industrial experience in a variety of leadership roles in corporate and business R&D focused on technology, innovation and people delivering value and growth to the company. In July 2019, he was honored to be appointed the DuPont Kingston Technology Centre (KTC) Site Leader and DuPont Canada Innovation Leader. The DuPont KTC has evolved over its more than 60 years of operations to play a specialized role in the development and scale-up of new processes – from laboratory proof-of-concept, to semi-works piloting development, and commercialization. The Centre staff help to get technology to market sooner and more cost efficiently by resolving the challenges of scaling-up new technologies. George has co-authored over 50 peer reviewed conference and journal publications and has 9 issued US patents.